Friday, April 11, 2008


So, I ran out of time to truly finish up my post from yesterday, so I figured I would do it today. Also, cause I have no patients yet and I'm a little bored. And if I'm typing, then everyone else thinks that I'm writing notes and therefore being productive. Yay for having my own semi-secluded cubby!

Ok, time for...
The Daily Run Down:
Cups of coffee: Only 1, but it's a latte and very sweet, so I think it counts as at least 2
Number of truly insane patients: None today (yet), but I had a really crazy one yesterday, and an even crazier one the day before, so we can count those two for the week and hope that I get nice, normal patients for today.
Number of times I reassured myself that I was in the right profession: At least once already today, because my freaking company still won't hire me. That's right people, I will forever be the NP Temp. It's so frustrating! And it makes me want to smack my smarmy administrator in the face.
Contact with biohazardous material? Again, not yet for today. But I had a bleeder on Monday, so that totally counts for the rest of the week. He passed out while getting his blood drawn and smacked his head on the floor... I found him laying face down, spread eagle, in a pool of his own blood. It turned out to be an ER kind of day...
Number of times I've purelled my hands: At least 3 times since 9AM.
Number of times I've dazed out and dreamt about my wedding: None today, but those 2 hours I spent on yesterday should make up for that!
Favorite patient: OK, 2 stories today, cause they're both good. The first one is that I had a 17 year old girl come in for her first pap smear, and she was wicked nervous. So, I go through the whole "Do you have sex? Do you use condoms?" thing, and then I walk her through the exam. It goes off without a hitch, and as she's leaving, she says: "I'm going home and telling my mom that I have the coolest GYN ever." Hear that? I'm the coolest GYN ever! Go me!
The second story is that I have a 4 year old girl come in yesterday for abdominal pain. So, I walk in and I ask her if her belly hurts. She says yes. And then her mom says: "Of course her belly hurts, she swallowed a penny!". I had to try really hard not to laugh. Poor thing. Hopefully it'll come out all on it's own.

Alright kids, that's it for now. Knock on wood it'll be a good Friday. Ciao!

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